शनिवार, 19 अप्रैल 2014


Reason for Restlessness

For me your love
Was not a deal
An agreement, a contract
Or an announcement
It was not even to use when needed
There was not lust or desire
It was only this much
That you sit with me
On these stairs for sometime
I would have taken some rest
Under your shadow
Sharing my sorrows and pleasures
This was love to me
That is why I ask you
Tell me about your mother
Your father and brother
Even about your children
How is their chest congestion
And their frozen cough

That is why I tell you
Again and again
I was not loving you
I was just trying
To know the world
Was preparing to understand life
I was just trying to live life
The life which had gone somewhere
Leaving me alone
My wings were plucked
My desires were nibbled
My breath was snatched
There is no oxygen in my nostrils
Lots of carbon dioxide has filled in
Had gone to buy some vegetables
And to fetch milk
But got unconscious on my way
Fell down on the side of the road
My wife couldn’t recognize me
My daughter
Couldn’t decipher my writing
What else could I do
In this old age
Sat down on a culvert
Was seeing
The strong winds blowing
The moon descending
And also seeing
The sun rising
Fired and perspiring everyday
How things are being bought
And how these are sold
That is why I say
Love is not a deal for me
Was not even a thought ‘Ghalib’
To please my self
It was a calling
Coming from an old well
Or from the inside
Of an old ruined fort
It troubled me
Troubled me to no end
I am just trying
To find a reason
For this restlessness.


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