शनिवार, 19 अप्रैल 2014

Dont hideanything inlove

Don’t Hide anything in love

 When someone loves truly
One wants to hide nothing
Wants to tell everything
What is the colour of the sky
At this moment
And how it is raining
Suddenly in his town
Now delighted are waves
In the ocean
How thunderous
How deep is the night
And how much is sadness

He wants to share
All his joys
When his kites were flying high
Then at once
He wanted to send
This message of joy
So much so that
If a sparrow is sitting on a wire
In front of his house
He even wants to share this
He wants to tell
Today in his courtyard
A flower has blossomed
Sun is bright in the park
After many days
Many would say
What is there to tell about?
What doesn’t she know
But when someone love truly
One wants to share everything
Wants to tell even the price
Of ‘atta-dal’ and also of vegetable
Wants to say
How inflation is going up
And the price of onions
Are rocketiing up to sky
Oh! This traffic jam
How the plaster from the walls
Is peeling off
And a lizard is moving
Up the wall
How this house is denying
And how much has increased
The rent
And the school fee
The taste of food
The colour of water
Earth’s pleasant smell
He wants to share
All of these
The politics of his times
And definitely
Its vicious circle
The difference between
Truth and lies
Also wants to tell
About falsehood

Wants to tell
How a song touched his heart one day
But also wants to share
How his work is highly oppressive
These days
And not even getting his salary
One time

He also wants to share
The entanglements of his heart
What kind of difficulties
Temptations and attractions
Are there
If he tells about his weaknesses
His deficiencies, his greed
And this hatred of his
Then be sure
He is really in love
And loves you truly
If doesn’t want to tell all this
Then be sure
He is not true
And concealing some thing
If you want to love
Someone truly
Then tell
All your virtues
And your sins
Don’t hide anything in love
Even when you start loving
Someone else
Your beloved should be
The first to know
Transparency in love
Is its real strength
It will bear the strong winds
And no force
Would more it.

vimal kumar
translated by premlata.

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