रविवार, 30 मार्च 2014

What is love

Its knowing the other
It’s also knowing your ownself

Wrong is wrong
And right is right
Its also agreeing to that

Love is also
Singing in the bathroom
Or bathing
Its also inviting someone home for dinner
Its also listening someone’s pain and sorrow
Love is extending your hand
To lift someone up
Its also remoring the thorns
If those are there
Its also picking up stones
From someone’s path

If it’s cajoling
Then its also complaining

It is a calculation
Of the entire life
Additions as well as subtractions

Is as much as to be expressed
So much is to hide
There is lot of crying in love
And also

Smiling as well.

~Vimal kumarenglish translation by - Premlata

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